This article describes a way to automate the installation of Oracle BPM 12.2.1 on Linux 7 server. I'm using Ansible to automate the configuration of Linux server and install the software. I'm also using Vagrant with Oracle Virtual Box to automatically provision a Linux 7 server and run the Ansible playbook on the virtual machine automatically for testing.
You can download the sample code in my GitHub account:
The sample source code contains an Ansible playbook and configuration for Vagrant. Before you run it you need to download the supported JDK 8 installation file (for example jdk-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz) and put it on roles/linux-jdk/files folder, Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.2.1 installation file and put it on roles/fmw-software/files folder and Oracle BPM suite 12.2.1 installation and put it on roles/soa-software/files from Oracle support.
You need to have an Oracle Database up and running. If you do not have one or you want to create one with Ansible you can use my playbook for Oracle Database. Links are at the end of this article.
For run it you need to have installed Ansible, Vagrant and Virtual Box and then just do:
$ vagrant up
Playbook is idempotent so you can run it again in the same server several times to have your server in the expected status.
You can configure your infrastructure parameters on infra-vars.yml. As minimum (if you do not use my ansible playbook for create the database) you need to configure the database connection settings.
You can also set custom passwords on secrets.yml file. For oracle Linux user you need to set the password encrypted. On a Linux system use the following to create the encrypted password:
Playbook contains several roles. A brief description follows for each of them:
- linux-wls
This role configures the Linux system with packages required, configures the kernel parameters and disables firewall and selinux, create the users and groups required for installation, configure limits for the user that will run the SOA domain.
- linux-jdk
This role installs the JDK 8 and creates environment variables for user that runs the SOA domain.
- fmw-software
This role installs WebLogic server with Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure software.
- soa-software
This role installs Oracle BPM Suite software and creates the required repositories in the database.
- soa-domain
This role creates the WebLogic domain and a managed server with Oracle BPM software. It also configures the datasources to point to the newly created repositories and configures a unix machine and nodemanager for the domain.
- nodemanager
This role configures the nodemanager to start on system boot.
- start-admin-server
This role starts the AdminServer.
- start-managed-server
This role starts the managed server.
You can read more about automating Oracle BPM Suite installation in the Oracle SOA/BPM Suite 12c documentation and also in the following two nice blog posts:
You can download a playbook for create an Oracle Database using Ansible here:
You can download the sample code in my GitHub account:
The sample source code contains an Ansible playbook and configuration for Vagrant. Before you run it you need to download the supported JDK 8 installation file (for example jdk-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz) and put it on roles/linux-jdk/files folder, Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.2.1 installation file and put it on roles/fmw-software/files folder and Oracle BPM suite 12.2.1 installation and put it on roles/soa-software/files from Oracle support.
You need to have an Oracle Database up and running. If you do not have one or you want to create one with Ansible you can use my playbook for Oracle Database. Links are at the end of this article.
For run it you need to have installed Ansible, Vagrant and Virtual Box and then just do:
$ vagrant up
Playbook is idempotent so you can run it again in the same server several times to have your server in the expected status.
You can configure your infrastructure parameters on infra-vars.yml. As minimum (if you do not use my ansible playbook for create the database) you need to configure the database connection settings.
You can also set custom passwords on secrets.yml file. For oracle Linux user you need to set the password encrypted. On a Linux system use the following to create the encrypted password:
mkpasswd --method=SHA-512
Playbook contains several roles. A brief description follows for each of them:
- linux-wls
This role configures the Linux system with packages required, configures the kernel parameters and disables firewall and selinux, create the users and groups required for installation, configure limits for the user that will run the SOA domain.
# ==> Configure Linux - name: Install required libraries yum: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: packages_list - name: Disable SELinux selinux: state=disabled - name: Disable Firewall Deamon (firewalld) service: name=firewalld state=stopped enabled=no - name: Change kernel parameters sysctl: name="{{ item.key }}" value="{{ item.value }}" state=present with_dict: kernel_params # ==> Create user and groups - name: Create groups group: name={{ oracle_group }} state=present - name: Create user user: name={{ oracle_user }} groups={{ oracle_group }} password={{ oracle_os_user_pass }} # ==> Add open file and process limits for oracle user - name: Create a shell profile with file and process limits for oracle user template: dest=/etc/profile.d/ # ==> Add limits for oracle user - name: Add oracle user limits lineinfile: dest=/etc/security/limits.conf line='{{ oracle_user }} {{ item.limit }} {{ item.type}} {{ item.value }}' with_items: - { limit: 'soft', type: nofile, value: '{{ soft_no_file }}' } - { limit: 'hard', type: nofile, value: '{{ hard_no_file }}' } - { limit: 'soft', type: nproc, value: '{{ soft_nproc }}' } - { limit: 'hard', type: nproc, value: '{{ hard_nproc }}' } # ==> Create Base Directories - name: Create Oracle Home directory file: state=directory path={{ middleware_home }} owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} - name: Create Domain Home directory file: state=directory path={{ domains_home }} owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} - name: Create Applications Home directory file: state=directory path={{ applications_home }} owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }}
- linux-jdk
This role installs the JDK 8 and creates environment variables for user that runs the SOA domain.
# ==> Install JDK - name: Copy jdk archive to host copy: src={{ jdk_installation_archive }} dest=~/{{ jdk_installation_archive }} args: force: no - name: Extract JDK archive command: 'tar -xf ~/{{ jdk_installation_archive }} -C {{ oracle_base }}' args: creates: "{{ jdk_folder }}" - name: Change ownership of jdk folder file: path="{{ jdk_folder }}" owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} recurse=yes - name: Change entropy device for java command: "sed -i.bak 's/\\/dev\\/random/\\/dev\\/.\\/urandom/' {{ jdk_folder }}/jre/lib/security/" - name: Add JAVA_HOME environment variariables in bashrc lineinfile: dest='/home/{{ oracle_user }}/.bashrc' line='export JAVA_HOME={{ jdk_folder }}' - name: Add Java bin folder to path in bashrc lineinfile: dest='/home/{{ oracle_user }}/.bashrc' line='export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin'
- fmw-software
This role installs WebLogic server with Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure software.
# ==> Install Fusions Middleware Infrastructure Software - name: Create installer directory file: state=directory path={{ mw_installer_folder }} - name: Copy Middleware Installer copy: src={{ mw_installer }} dest={{ mw_installer_folder }} - name: Copy file for silent installation template: src=silent-weblogic.txt dest={{ mw_installer_folder }} - name: Copy OraInst.loc template: src=oraInst.loc dest={{ mw_installer_folder }} - name: Check if installation is already done stat: path='{{ middleware_home }}/oracle_common' register: mw_folder_exists - name: execute Weblogic installer command: "{{ jdk_folder }}/bin/java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar {{ mw_installer_folder }}/{{ mw_installer }} -silent -responseFile {{ mw_installer_folder }}/silent-weblogic.txt -invPtrLoc {{ mw_installer_folder }}/oraInst.loc" when: mw_folder_exists.stat.exists == False
- soa-software
This role installs Oracle BPM Suite software and creates the required repositories in the database.
- name: Copy soa/bpm installer files copy: src={{ soa_installer }} dest={{ mw_installer_folder }}/ tags: - install-soa - name: Copy soa installer response file template: src=soa.installer.rsp dest={{ mw_installer_folder }}/ tags: - install-soa - name: Check if Soa Suite is already intalled stat: path='{{ middleware_home }}/soa' register: soa_installation_exists - name: Run soa software installer command: "{{ jdk_folder }}/bin/java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar {{ mw_installer_folder }}/{{ soa_installer }} -silent -responseFile {{ mw_installer_folder }}/soa.installer.rsp -invPtrLoc {{ mw_installer_folder }}/oraInst.loc" when: soa_installation_exists.stat.exists == False tags: - install-soa - name: Copy script that creates the soa schemas in database repository template: dest={{ mw_installer_folder }}/ mode=755 tags: - soa-repo - name: Copy response file template: src=rcu.soa.rsp dest={{ mw_installer_folder }}/ tags: - soa-repo - name: Copy passwords file template: src=rcu.passwd.txt dest={{ mw_installer_folder }}/ tags: - soa-repo - name: Execute script for generate soa schemas on database shell: '{{ mw_installer_folder }}/' ignore_errors: yes tags: - soa-repo
- soa-domain
This role creates the WebLogic domain and a managed server with Oracle BPM software. It also configures the datasources to point to the newly created repositories and configures a unix machine and nodemanager for the domain.
# ==> Create new domain - name: check if domain folder exists stat: path={{ domain_home }} register: domain_exists - name: copy create domain python script template: dest={{ mw_installer_folder }} owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} tags: - create-domain - name: Execute create domain script shell: "{{ weblogic_home }}/common/bin/ {{ mw_installer_folder }}/" when: domain_exists.stat.exists == False tags: - create-domain # ==> Create Environment Variables for Oracle user #- name: Creates new .bashrc file with system variables # template: src=.bashrc dest=/home/oracle/.bashrc - name: Add Oracle Home environment variables lineinfile: dest='/home/{{ oracle_user }}/.bashrc' line='export ORACLE_HOME={{ middleware_home }}' tags: - oracle-vars
- nodemanager
This role configures the nodemanager to start on system boot.
- name: Copy Nodemanager Properties file template: dest={{ domain_home }}/nodemanager/ owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} tags: - start-nodemanager # ==> Create startup script for nodemanager - name: Copy nodemanager systemd script template: src=nodemanager.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/ mode=0664 tags: - start-nodemanager - name: Enable nodemanager as linux service command: 'systemctl enable nodemanager' tags: - start-nodemanager - name: Start Node Manager command: 'systemctl start nodemanager' tags: - start-nodemanager - name: Waiting for nodemanager to come up wait_for: port=5556 delay=2 timeout=30 tags: - start-nodemanager
- start-admin-server
This role starts the AdminServer.
# ==> Ansible Role for start Admin Server and waits until server is up - name: Create security folder on Admin Server file: state=directory path={{ domains_home }}/{{ domain_name }}/servers/{{ admin_server_name }}/security owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} tags: - start-admin-server - name: Create file template: dest={{ domains_home }}/{{ domain_name }}/servers/{{ admin_server_name }}/security/ owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} tags: - start-admin-server - name: Copy Admin Server start-up script template: dest={{ mw_installer_folder }} owner={{ oracle_user }} group={{ oracle_group }} mode=0755 tags: - start-admin-server - name: Execute start Admin Server script shell: "{{ weblogic_home }}/common/bin/ {{ mw_installer_folder }}/" sudo_user: '{{ oracle_user }}' ignore_errors: yes tags: - start-admin-server - name: Wait for Admin Server to startup wait_for: port={{ admin_server_port }} delay=2 timeout=60 tags: - start-admin-server
- start-managed-server
This role starts the managed server.
# ==> Start managed server - name: Create security folder for managed server file: state=directory path={{ domains_home }}/{{ domain_name }}/servers/{{ managed_server_name }}/security tags: - start-managed-server - name: Create boot properties file for managed server template: dest={{ domain_home }}/servers/{{ managed_server_name }}/security/ tags: - start-managed-server - name: Copy Start Managed Server Script template: dest={{ mw_installer_folder }} tags: - start-managed-server - name: Start Managed Server shell: "{{ weblogic_home }}/common/bin/ {{ mw_installer_folder }}/" ignore_errors: yes tags: - start-manged-server - name: Wait for Managed Server to startup wait_for: host={{ server_hostname }} port={{ managed_server_port }} delay=2 timeout=300 tags: - start-managed-server
You can read more about automating Oracle BPM Suite installation in the Oracle SOA/BPM Suite 12c documentation and also in the following two nice blog posts:
You can download a playbook for create an Oracle Database using Ansible here:
please guide this scripts will help to install multi node too
ReplyDeleteI get the following error during the execution of "soa-domain" role.
Error: only getter and setter are supported
It seems this part of the .py file has a problem.
"cmo.createServer('{{ managed_server_name }}')"
Would you be able to advice on this?
Is this because i need to run this in online mode where i am connected to admin server ?
Many thanks,