This article describes a way to automate the installation of Oracle BPM 12.2.1 on Linux 7 server. I'm using Ansible to automate the configuration of Linux server and install the software. I'm also using Vagrant with Oracle Virtual Box to automatically provision a Linux 7 server and run the Ansible playbook on the virtual machine automatically for testing.
You can download the sample code in my GitHub account:
The sample source code contains an Ansible playbook and configuration for Vagrant. Before you run it you need to download the supported JDK 8 installation file (for example jdk-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz) and put it on roles/linux-jdk/files folder, Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.2.1 installation file and put it on roles/fmw-software/files folder and Oracle BPM suite 12.2.1 installation and put it on roles/soa-software/files from Oracle support.
You need to have an Oracle Database up and running. If you do not have one or you want to create one with Ansible you can use my playbook for Oracle Database. Links are at the end of this article.
For run it you need to have installed Ansible, Vagrant and Virtual Box and then just do:
$ vagrant up
Playbook is idempotent so you can run it again in the same server several times to have your server in the expected status.
You can configure your infrastructure parameters on infra-vars.yml. As minimum (if you do not use my ansible playbook for create the database) you need to configure the database connection settings.
You can also set custom passwords on secrets.yml file. For oracle Linux user you need to set the password encrypted. On a Linux system use the following to create the encrypted password:
You can download the sample code in my GitHub account:
The sample source code contains an Ansible playbook and configuration for Vagrant. Before you run it you need to download the supported JDK 8 installation file (for example jdk-8u66-linux-x64.tar.gz) and put it on roles/linux-jdk/files folder, Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.2.1 installation file and put it on roles/fmw-software/files folder and Oracle BPM suite 12.2.1 installation and put it on roles/soa-software/files from Oracle support.
You need to have an Oracle Database up and running. If you do not have one or you want to create one with Ansible you can use my playbook for Oracle Database. Links are at the end of this article.
For run it you need to have installed Ansible, Vagrant and Virtual Box and then just do:
$ vagrant up
Playbook is idempotent so you can run it again in the same server several times to have your server in the expected status.
You can configure your infrastructure parameters on infra-vars.yml. As minimum (if you do not use my ansible playbook for create the database) you need to configure the database connection settings.
You can also set custom passwords on secrets.yml file. For oracle Linux user you need to set the password encrypted. On a Linux system use the following to create the encrypted password:
mkpasswd --method=SHA-512